Red Ken cada vez está pior

Agora comparou um islamita ao Papa João XXIII.
KEN LIVINGSTONE provoked outrage yesterday when he compared an outspoken Muslim scholar who backs suicide bombings to the reforming Pope John XXIII.

The Mayor of London said that the position of Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi was similar to that of the late Pope because he was the most senior Islamic scholar saying that Islam must engage with the world.

“Sheik Qaradawi is I think very similar to the position of Pope John XXIII. An absolutely sane Islamist,” Mr Livingstone said.

He said that Sheik Qaradawi was a leading Islamic scholar calling for Islam to engage with the world, supporting democracy in the Middle East and calling for Islam to accept the changing role of women. “Of all the Muslim thinkers in the world today he is the most positive force for change,” he said.

Al-Qaradawi condemned the terrorist attacks in London but he has described suicide bombings in Israel as martyrdom operations. He has also been criticised by Jewish and gay rights groups who accused him of anti-Semitism and homophobia.
Depois das escorregadelas anti-semitas deste senhor, vem o disparate pegado. Enfim, os londrinos é que sabem porque o continuam a aturar.


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