As prioridades do Hamas

Para quem quiser andar por aí a fazer o branqueamento do Hamas como associação benemérita, bem pode pôr os olhos nas prioridades legislativas do novo poder eleito da Palestina (destaques meus):
The incoming Hamas government will move quickly to make Islamic sharia "a source" of law in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and will overhaul the Palestinian education system to separate boys and girls and introduce a more Islamic curriculum, a senior official in the movement said yesterday.
Mr. Abu Teir, who was No. 2 on the Hamas list of candidates for Wednesday's election, said introducing sharia -- a controversial moral and legal code based on the Koran -- would be the first act of the new Hamas-controlled Palestinian Legislative Council.
He made it clear that one way Hamas planned to encourage the next generation to follow sharia was to revamp the Palestinian education system, separating girls' and boys' classes and introducing a more Islamic curriculum.

"We will take such measures because we look at examples in the West, like Sweden. They have the highest level of co-education and the highest level of suicides," he said. "We would like our children to have a protected environment. We don't want any distractions for our boys or our girls."
Suicídios só com bombas, pelos vistos...

Apesar das delcarações conciliadores tentado apaziguar os medos das minorias, como os cristãos, isto não é um bom começo...


Marco Oliveira disse…
Ainda ninguém explicou aos governos dos países islâmicos que não basta respeitar as regras do jogo democrático. Também há que respeitar os Direitos Humanos e o Direito Internacional.

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